Progress Bar Plugin

Progress Bar Plugin

Download plugin and install it and activate it, if you want to set default options, go to Plugins menu > WP Progress Bar.
Progress Bar Shortcode

Just use this shortcode:

[wp_progress_bar text=”Photoshop” pc=”90″]
Now your “Photoshop” skill will be “90%”.

Shortcode Attributes

  1. text=”” enter your text, for example: text=”Photoshop”, default is none.
  2. text_color=”” enter text color code, for example: text_color=”#ff0″, default is white #fff.
  3. background=”” enter wrap background color, for example: background=”#ff0″, default is #eee.
  4. progress_color=”” enter progress color, for example: progress_color=”#ff0″, default is #bbb.
  5. pc=”” enter percentage, for example: pc=”90″, default is 0%.
  6. width=”” enter wrap width size, for example: width=”200″, default is 100%.
  7. bottom=”” enter wrap margin bottom value, for example: bottom=”15″, default is 30px.