Front-End Web Development

Front-End Web Development ***Each chapter is 3.85%*** 0%
**Learning Front-End Web Development**
Building skills to become a Front-End Developer
CH. Title Date Started Date Completed
I. Core Browser Programming
1 Setting Up Your Development Environment
2 Setting Up Your First Project
3 Styles
4 Responsive Layouts with Flexbox
5 Adaptive Layouts with Media Queries
6 Handling Events with JavaScript
7 Visual Effects with CSS
II. Modules, Objects, and Forms
8 Modules, Objects, and Methods
9 Introduction to Bootstrap
10 Processing Forms with JavaScript
11 From Data to DOM
12 Validating Forms
13 Ajax
14 Deferreds and Promises
III. Real-Time Data
15 Introduction to Node.js
16 Real-Time Communication with WebSockets
17 Using ES6 with Babel
18 ES6, the Adventure Continues
IV. Application Architecture
19 Introduction to MVC and Ember
20 Routing, Routes, and Models
21 Models and Data Binding
22 Data – Adapters, Serializers, and Transforms
23 Views and Templates
24 Controllers
25 Components
26 Afterword